CDP Support




Carbon reporting evaluates the practices in place to calculate and document carbon emissions and actionable steps for reduction. While there are many reporting tools and frameworks, CDP runs the global environmental disclosure system and is followed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Disclosing to CDP is voluntary but gives organizations transparency with their stakeholders, investors, and supply chain.

To complete disclosure to CDP, organizations report on standardized practices, behaviors, and initiatives to manage their GHG emissions. The entire report hinges on quality, accessible data to tell this story properly. CDP is a dynamic report, and therefore highly complex. Having expert sustainability consultants helps you collect data, respond to questions correctly, and strategize simple improvements to ensure that you get the best score possible.


Our team takes a three-part, holistic approach to assisting with carbon reporting:

1. Collect Data
2. Respond to CDP
3. Complete a Gap Study

As with many other aspects of energy management and sustainability, we begin with data. Our experts know where and how to collect the necessary information for each section of the report. Once compiled and synthesized, we will walk you through the process question by question. Afterward, we will complete a Gap Study to look at where you scored low. Our sustainability experts can determine what processes and changes to implement in the near future to improve your score.


• Transparency for stakeholders
•  Positive marketing and public relations
• Supply chain relationships
• Improved score
• Strategize future sustainability efforts

Case Study

Company Profile
An international furniture manufacturer

Before Foresight
Many companies respond to CDP and quickly realize getting a good score is incredibly difficult. Passion for sustainability is excellent, but it’s impossible to tell the complete story without accurate data or documentation, and your score will suffer accordingly. This company did not receive the grade they had hoped for on their first attempt at the survey and reached out to Foresight for assistance. Thankfully, we were already supporting them through our utility bill collection service, and therefore we knew the necessary data was available and trustworthy.

After Foresight
Our team began by synthesizing the existing data to understand why they received their initial score. We then performed a gap study on their GHG emissions to determine areas for improvement. Considering their time and resources, we strategized which initiatives would have the most impact on their investment. With the data and tracking in place to measure these changes, we were able to complete the entire project alongside our client. Our experts helped them improve an entire CDP letter grade, as well as prioritize future sustainability projects.


Frequently Asked Questions

How difficult is it to score well with CDP?

The framework built by CDP is incredibly thorough and comprehensive. The amount of detail and documentation required makes it difficult to complete accurately and to score well. The good news is that our experts are well versed in the level of excellence needed to help companies score their best.

Do we fill out the survey every year?

Yes, this is an annual report.

Do you fill out the report for us?

Foresight will sit down and help you respond question by question, but you get to hit “submit”!

If I’ve never done carbon reporting before, where do I even begin?

You need to start by creating an energy inventory and calculating your Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions. If you aren’t tracking your energy data, then it is impossible to report.

What type of plan should I have if I want to improve?

Sustainability is a journey, and CDP requires some long-term vision. We recommend companies to map out a three-year plan with actionable steps each year.

What does it cost for Foresight to help with carbon reporting?

This depends on the level of data you have already collected and your reporting goals. We are happy to give you a custom quote.



Don’t take our word for it: 5 Reasons Your Company Should Respond to the CDP



Learn more about CDP Support