Optimizing Energy Strategy for a Leading Food and Beverage Manufacturer 



A Comprehensive Approach for Increased ROI

By taking an interdisciplinary approach we not only helped the client save significantly on utility costs but also enhanced their sustainability efforts and power quality, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective energy management strategy.  

About the Client 

This global company specializes in creating, manufacturing, and distributing a diverse range of food and beverage products. They operate six manufacturing sites in five US states.  

The Challenge 

The client sought to develop a comprehensive plan for managing electricity and natural gas at their manufacturing locations. Operating in deregulated states, they believed there were opportunities for utility savings but lacked the resources to pursue them effectively. 


  • Save money on utilities 

  • Gain visibility into energy usage 

  • Obtain support in managing the companywide energy portfolio 

Our Process & Approach

The client partnered with Foresight to develop an energy procurement strategy, focusing on Utility Optimization, Energy Procurement Support, and Sales Tax Studies. Our software solution and data analysts collected and consolidated the client’s energy usage and cost data. By aggregating these data points, our team empowered the client to make educated decisions. 

Foresight conducted a comprehensive analysis of the client’s energy procurement practices across all sites in the United States. This independent audit identified alternative and additional ways the client could manage its energy purchasing strategy at a lower cost and risk level. 

The Foresight team also identified the sales tax rate for each utility invoice and uncovered opportunities for exemptions. Finally, they generated RFPs for energy supply for the selected sites, presenting the client with pricing and products from multiple reputable suppliers to help make informed decisions. 

Results by Service Type

Utility Sales Tax Study  

Foresight identified several exemptions for which this company qualified and gathered all of the necessary data and details.

  • Utility sales tax exemptions submitted to all utilities on the client’s behalf 

  • Annual savings through sales tax exemption: $55,000 

  • Estimated 2024 utility sales tax refund: $144,000 

Utility Optimization & Energy Procurement  

Foresight identified opportunities to improve the client's natural gas and electric contracts at three sites.

Natural Gas 

  • Annual Savings: $45,000 (delivery), $177,000 (commodity) 

  • Total contract savings over three years: $525,000


  • Annual Savings: $53,000 

  • Total contract savings over three years: $159,000


Learn More

This approach is a combination of Utility Sales Tax Studies, Utility Optimization Analysis, Energy Procurement, and Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies We take an agnostic, unbiased approach to energy advisory, always putting the best interest of the client first. Below are two more stories about client wins related to energy management and procurement:

Sustainability Success Stories: Unbiased Energy Advisors

Sustainability Success Stories: Transparency in Energy Procurement


Ready to get started?

Our team of utility specialists and energy procurement experts would love to help uncover cost-saving opportunities for your company that support your overall sustainability goals.

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Driving Companywide Buy-in for Sustainability


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