LEED v5 and Michigan’s New Energy Code: A Powerful Partnership for Sustainable Buildings
Changes are coming to the State of Michigan design and construction industry, with the new Commercial Energy Code - 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and LEED v5 leading the charge.
Setting Attainable Decarbonization Goals
Decarbonization is a critical step toward achieving sustainability, but setting realistic and actionable goals can be challenging.
Building a Sustainability Framework without Breaking the Bank
Demonstrating your organization’s sustainability efforts is a business imperative. Companies without ample resources or a sustainability team feel added pressure to do more with less.
The Evolving Role of RECs, Carbon Offsets, and Voluntary Carbon Markets
As sustainability and climate action take center stage in corporate strategies, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), carbon offsets, and the voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) play increasingly significant roles.
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): What You Need to Know
CSRD and CBAM stand to impact US companies doing business in the EU or with EU based companies. Here is what you need to know about CBAM and how Foresight can help.
Strategies for Meeting Your Decarbonization Goals
It’s one thing to set aspirational decarbonization goals, but it’s a whole other challenge to create a data-backed strategy to achieve them. In this webinar, Mike, Danny, and Mitchell break down how to assess the potential impact of projects, create an ROI-driven project hierarchy, and explore emerging technologies for decarbonization.
Sustainability Success Stories: Building a Decarbonization Plan with All Technologies in Mind
What does it look like to evaluate ALL decarbonization technologies? It creates a much more comprehensive roadmap for our customers to reach their goals.
Sustainability Success Stories: How a Posture of Unbiased Expertise Puts the Client First
Unbiased expertise is one of our most important principles at Foresight. We give our best advice to our clients based on what is best for them, not us.
Sustainability Success Stories: When Strategy & Execution Work in Tandem
So many companies offer strategy OR execution, but Foresight offers both. With insights from data alongside robust expertise in strategy, we can help companies do both in tandem, saving time, energy, and money, while avoiding missed opportunities.
Sustainability Success Stories: Our Interdisciplinary Approach Saves Client $500,000 Annually
With procurement specialists on our team (and generally curious humans), we were able to help a client evaluate their natural gas procurement contracts alongside our work for an annual greenhouse gas emissions total.