Article anne pageau Article anne pageau

Purchasing Power and Supply Chain Transparency

Maybe you've heard someone say, “we vote with our dollars.” The basic idea is this: we are told that - to be sustainable consumers - we should buy plant-based products that are compostable or recyclable where we live (insert any number of sustainable marketing terms here). It puts the onus on each person to use their purchasing power to drive climate change, one compostable product at a time.

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Article anne pageau Article anne pageau

Unlocking the Power Behind Scope 3 Emissions

If your organization has already begun accounting for its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, it might be time to brave the next step: inventorying your Scope 3. In a recent report released last month, investment research firm MSCI listed the top ten ESG trends to consider in 2022. What was #1 on the list? “Corporates Pushing Corporates for Net-Zero Supply Chains.” That’s right–supply chain decarbonization.

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