What is Biophilia?
We have only been an indoor species for a few hundred years. Our innate connection to the natural world still deeply drives our health, productivity, and overall well-being.
How to Finance Your Solar Project
From raising capital, to partnering with investors, to power purchase agreements with energy companies. Learn about the variety of ways to fund your renewable energy project.
Matt's Superpower
Matt is officially initiated into the Foresight #MicroVlogCast Host Club as he has to answer Mike's infamous question: What's your superpower?
How does net-metering work?
Mike and Matt discuss the ins and outs of net metering, selling back your extra energy, and what it means to operate “behind the meter.”
A Business Case for Solar
Mike and Matt talk tax credits, selling excess energy, additionality, and increased efficiency in this week's episode of the MicroVlogCast!
How do solar panels work?
Learn the definition of biomimicry, how much electricity our solar panel produces, and how solar energy can strengthen the grid.
Solar Energy's Impact on the Local Energy Grid
As residential homes and commercial facilities swap to self-generated energy, what does this mean for the local energy grid?
Solar Energy: Additionality & Shades of Green
You've heard of things having varying "shades of grey," but what about "shades of green"?
About Onsite Energy Generation
Our energy engineers discuss the final step of the Energy Management Pathway: Make Your Own.
What is retro-commissioning?
We know that - without attention - everything will eventually degrade. The same is true for facilities.
Understanding Demand Response
Demand charges can be a large portion of your utility bill. Do you know how to optimize them?
Fixing the User Gap in Occupancy Controls
Occupancy controls allow HVAC and lighting to work alongside the normal rhythms of your facility, but won't be beneficial without optimizing them to your facility's needs.
The Impact of Occupancy Controls
Once you've figured out how to Use Less energy, the next step is to Use Smarter! Learn about occupancy and demand controls.
How to Improve HVAC Efficiency
Learn from our engineers about what can be done to optimize your existing HVAC system.
Tools for Preventative Maintenance in Your Facility
Learn from our energy engineers about what tools can detect early leaks and equipment malfunctions to save you time, energy, and frustration.
Compressed Air: The Most Expensive Utility
In manufacturing, compressed air can be the most expensive utility spend. It's used in all sorts of processes throughout your facility, but how do you keep it running optimally?
The Lowest-Hanging Fruit in Energy Efficiency
The first step of the Energy Management Pathway is to Use Less. Here's the lowest hanging fruit.
Ryan's (Gross & Impressive) Superpower
We first learn about Ryan's relatively helpful superpower and then... a much weirder one.
The Energy Management Pathway
Energy management shouldn't be overlooked in commercial facilities. Here's how to do it with excellence.
Energy Management Excellence
Energy management shouldn't be overlooked in commercial facilities. Here's how to do it with excellence.